Tuesday, November 17, 2020

It's been a while

 In a world full of chaos, somehow I found peace in you, not peace of my spirit but peace of my loneliness. Longing for the connection between two entities that lights the skies,  even in solitude we find refuge in each other's silence. The rhythm of conversation, that separates only with  laughter, I have been searching a lifetime for the innocence of holding hands, the gaze that turns into memories, the ability of sensing without ever touching. I've been waiting and somehow I got here. I'm never sure, but each time I feel defeated, with the only conclusion that karma finally got me or should I say my past suppressed thoughts on inadequacy, insecurities, unequated comparisons they finally showed me what they look like so I can understand but today I know my worth, today I know better, today I choose me, today I know I'm great, but yet I somehow found peace in you for my loneliness even though I'm still lonely. 

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