Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Usually I am immensely sad on Valentine's Day, I'm dressed in all back I tend to give the facade that I am unbothered by the outpour of love and appreciation shown by significant others to their spouses whether it be fake or real, the love on that day is evident. I would write religiously year after year about how lost in a trance addicted to love I had yet to experience, how I wish the man of my heart would want more from me than just an occasional affair that he would decide to choose me and never leave. Of course that has never happen because obviously I would be one of those lucky people posting love pics. This year was so different, no bitterness in my heart, no depressing sadden love  thoughts about what wasn't present. I was just happy to be open to love, to have my heart radiating with such joy for life that knowing my king was on his way was everything. Didn't reflect on the past or past loves, I was too cool in my skin, didn't shed one tear didn't write any sappy love poems. I am so happy in my skin and being able to breathe freely, no broken heart, no memoirs or why he left of what he did or didn't do. I choose to be happy, I choose to be me, I choose to smile, I choose the opportunity of affection and possibility of risk. It's not a loss to my past suitors, I'm more than sure they have found their own sanction of happiness and they are forever winning, I salute them for having their happiness. We just weren't enough to be something great, but good enough to be a lesson for a lifetime. So to next year of Valentine's Day, I won't dare be alone. Not this time around, GOD is grooming him just for me, until he announces himself, patience and steady working on me but I see you GOD.

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